If you're in college, you've probably heard the term "plagiarism" before. But what exactly is plagiarism, and more importantly, how can you avoid getting caught if you decide to plagiarize?

What is Considered Plagiarism?

Plagiarism is the act of using someone else's work without giving credit to the original author. This can include copying passages word-for-word, paraphrasing someone else's work without properly citing it, or even stealing ideas.

How to Avoid Getting Caught

There are a few ways to avoid getting caught if you decide to plagiarize. First, make sure to properly cite all of your sources. This includes both direct quotes and paraphrased passages. Additionally, try to only use sources that are publicly available online. If you're caught plagiarizing a source that is only available through paid subscription, it will be much harder to argue your case. Finally, always be aware of how much you're borrowing from a single source. If it looks like you're plagiarizing, you're much more likely to get caught.

How to Avoid Accidental Plagiarism?

Accidental plagiarism can be a lot easier to avoid than intentional plagiarism. Here are a few tips to help you avoid accidentally copying someone else's work:

- Be careful when paraphrasing someone else's work. Make sure to change the wording and structure enough that it's not easily recognizable.

- Always use quotation marks when quoting someone else's work.

- Cite your sources whenever you use information from another source.

- Make sure to read your paper carefully for any instances of accidental plagiarism.

Plagiarizing Without Getting Caught 

There are a few things to keep in mind if you're looking to plagiarize without getting caught. First, make sure to use a variety of sources. If all of your sources are from the same author, it will be much easier to track down the original source. Second, try to avoid using too much information from a single source. If you're caught plagiarizing a source that is only available through paid subscription, it will be much harder to argue your case. Finally, be careful when paraphrasing someone else's work. Make sure to change the wording and structure enough that it's not easily recognizable. By following these tips, you can plagiarize without getting caught!


When it comes to avoiding plagiarism, Wikipedia is your best friend. Unlike other sources, Wikipedia articles are openly available to the public and can be copied and pasted without fear of getting caught. So if you're ever in doubt about whether or not you should cite a source, Wikipedia is always a safe bet.

False citations 

One way to get caught plagiarizing is to falsely cite your sources. This means including information in your paper that you know isn't true. So if you're caught plagiarizing, one of the first things your professor will do is check your citations. So make sure to only use credible sources and always double-check your citations before submitting your paper.

Plagiarism is a serious offense and can result in expulsion from school or even legal action. So if you're thinking about plagiarizing, please think again. There are plenty of ways to get an original text without resorting to plagiarism, so there's really no need to take the risk. Thank you for your time.

Smart paraphrasing 

One of the best ways to avoid plagiarism is to paraphrase correctly. This means changing the wording and structure of the original text enough so that it's not easily recognizable. You can also use a thesaurus to find synonyms for keywords and phrases in the original text. By paraphrasing correctly, you can avoid accidentally copying

Swapping letters

Another way to avoid plagiarism is to swap letters in keywords and phrases. This can be a helpful strategy when you're struggling to come up with an original sentence. Just make sure that the swapped letters still form recognizable words. By using this method, you can create a new sentence without having to come up with your own original ideas.

Rearranger tools

If you're struggling to come up with your own original ideas, there are a number of online tools that can help. The rearranger tool, for example, allows you to rearrange the words in a sentence to create a new phrase. This can be a helpful way to come up with new ideas when you're stuck. There are also a number of other online tools that can help you come up with original ideas, so be sure to explore your options.

How to Not Plagiarize

There are a few things to keep in mind if you're looking to not plagiarize. First, make sure to use a variety of sources. If all of your sources are from the same author, it will be much easier to track down the original source. Second, try to avoid using too much information from a single source. If you're caught plagiarizing a source that is only available through a paid subscription, it will be much harder to argue your case. Finally, be careful when paraphrasing someone else's work. Make sure to change the wording and structure enough that it's not easily recognizable. By following these tips, you can not plagiarize without getting caught!